<> Pour toute installation [[MySQL]], suivre les directives de la page principale . Quelques réglages, paramètres à ne pas oublier. == Aperçu utilisateurs et hôte == {{{ mysql> select Host,user from user; +-----------+------------------+ | Host | user | +-----------+------------------+ | 10.45.33.%| nssread | | 10.45.33.%| nssreads | | | root | | 192.168.% | nssread | | 192.168.% | nssreads | | localhost | debian-sys-maint | | localhost | nssadmin | | localhost | nsscreate | | localhost | nssread | | localhost | nssreads | | localhost | root | | named | root | +-----------+------------------+ }}} == Authentification centralisée == * Une base pour la gestion : `auth` === Les utilisateurs et leurs permissions === * Issue de la base `mysql` * Permissions similaires pour `10.45.33.%` {{{ mysql> show grants for nssread@'192.168.%'; +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grants for nssread@192.168.% | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'nssread'@'192.168.%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD ':P' | | GRANT SELECT (username, gid) ON `auth`.`grouplist` TO 'nssread'@'192.168.%' | | GRANT SELECT (name, gid) ON `auth`.`groups` TO 'nssread'@'192.168.%' | | GRANT SELECT (shell, expire, warn, flag, gid, homedir, username, inact, gecos, lstchg, max, min, uid) ON `auth`.`users` TO 'nssread'@'192.168.%' | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ mysql> show grants for nssreads@'192.168.%'; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grants for nssreads@192.168.% | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'nssreads'@'192.168.%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD ':P' | | GRANT SELECT ON `auth`.* TO 'nssreads'@'192.168.%' | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ }}}