Pièce jointe « tracker.cfg »
Téléchargement 1 [General]
2 # Log Verbosity - Valid values are 0 (displays/logs only errors), 1 (minimal), 2 (detailed), and 3 (debug)
3 Verbosity=0
5 # Set the initial sleeping time, in seconds
6 InitialSleep=45
8 # Minimizes the use of memory but may slow indexing down
9 LowMemoryMode=false
11 [Watches]
12 # List of directory roots to index and watch seperated by semicolons
13 WatchDirectoryRoots=
14 # List of directory roots to index but not watch (no live updates but are refreshed when trackerd is next restarted) seperated by semicolons
15 CrawlDirectory=
16 # List of directory roots to not index and not watch seperated by semicolons
17 NoWatchDirectory=/
18 # Set to false to prevent watching of any kind
19 EnableWatching=false
21 [Indexing]
22 # Throttles the indexing process. Allowable values are 0-20. higher values decrease indexing speed
23 Throttle=0
24 # Disables the indexing process
25 EnableIndexing=false
26 # Enables indexing of a file's text contents
27 EnableFileContentIndexing=true
28 # Enables generation of thumbnails
29 EnableThumbnails=false
30 # List of partial file patterns (glob) seperated by semicolons that specify files to not index (basic stat info is only indexed for files that match these patterns)
31 NoIndexFileTypes=;
33 # Sets minimum length of words to index
34 MinWordLength=3
35 # Sets maximum length of words to index (words are cropped if bigger than this)
36 MaxWordLength=30
37 # Sets the language specific stemmer and stopword list to use
38 # Valid values are 'en' (english), 'da' (danish), 'nl' (dutch), 'fi' (finnish), 'fr' (french), 'de' (german), 'it' (italien), 'nb' (norwegian), 'pt' (portugese), 'ru' (russian), 'es' (spanish), 'sv' (swedish)
39 Language=fr
40 # Enables use of language-specific stemmer
41 EnableStemmer=true
42 # Set to true prevents tracker from descending into mounted directory trees
43 SkipMountPoints=false
45 [Emails]
46 IndexEvolutionEmails=true
48 IndexThunderbirdEmails=true
50 [Performance]
51 # Maximum size of text in bytes to index from a file's text contents
52 MaxTextToIndex=1048576
53 # Maximum number of unique words to index from a file's text contents
54 MaxWordsToIndex=10000
55 # Specifies the no of entities to index before determining whether to perform index optimization
56 OptimizationSweepCount=10000
57 # Sets the maximum bucket count for the indexer
58 MaxBucketCount=524288
59 # Sets the minimum bucket count
60 MinBucketCount=65536
61 # Sets no. of divisions of the index file
62 Dvisions=4
63 # Selects the desired ratio of used records to buckets to be used when optimizing index (should be a value between 0 and 4)
64 BucketRatio=1
65 # Alters how much padding is used to prevent index relocations. Higher values improve indexing speed but waste more disk space. Value should be in range (1..8)
66 Padding=2
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