Projet / SOGo / MigrationTB10

Migration Thunderbird de 3.1 à 10.0

Des façons de faire :


    • [SOGo] Migrationpath 3.x -> 10.x ?
      What we have done is:
          * Un-install lightning, connector, integrator
          * remove "calendar-data" folder from user's profile
          * install TB 10 ESR over 3.1 and configure any options (proxy, disable updates, etc)
          * install lightning, connector, and integrator
      We do this, so the user gets a fresh copy of the calendar cache, we have noticed that it is smaller than in the 3.1.x versions - it does take some time to initially build the cache but we feel it's better and could present less problems down the road with corrupt cache files...
    • Re: [SOGo] Migrationpath 3.x -> 10.x ?
      // Configure Thunderbird update
      force_bool_pref("app.update.silent", true);
      force_bool_pref("app.update.enabled", true);
      force_bool_pref("", true);
      force_int_pref("app.update.mode", 1);
      force_bool_pref("app.update.cert.requireBuiltIn", false); 

Projet/SOGo/MigrationTB10 (dernière édition le 2012-02-21 16:07:00 par MoussaNombre)