Pièce jointe « coda-excel-vba.txt »


   1 Sub Auto_Open()
   2 '    InstallToolbarReflets
   3 End Sub
   4 '
   5 ' Créé le 02/09/2002 par Andrei Boyanov <andrei.boyanov@auf.org>
   6 ' Repris le 05/09/2002 par Jean Christophe André <jean-christophe.andre@auf.org>
   7 '
   8 Sub InstallToolbarReflets()
   9     If (is_bar_installed("Reflets") = False) Then
  10         Set barReflets = CommandBars.Add(name:="Reflets", Position:=msoBarTop)
  11         Set buttonReflets1 = barReflets.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
  12         Set buttonReflets2 = barReflets.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
  14         buttonReflets1.Caption = "CODA-Détails"
  15         buttonReflets1.DescriptionText = "Collage d'une interro-détails CODA à partir de TSE"
  16         buttonReflets1.Style = msoButtonCaption
  17         buttonReflets1.OnAction = "CODA_DETAILS"
  19         buttonReflets2.Caption = "CODA-Cumuls"
  20         buttonReflets2.DescriptionText = "Collage d'une interro-cumuls CODA à partir de TSE"
  21         buttonReflets2.Style = msoButtonCaption
  22         buttonReflets2.OnAction = "CODA_CUMULS"
  24         barReflets.Visible = True
  25     End If
  26 '    MsgBox ("Installation avec succès")
  27 End Sub
  29 Function is_bar_installed(name As Variant)
  30     For Each bar In CommandBars
  31         If (bar.name = name) Then
  32             is_bar_installed = True
  33             Exit Function
  34         End If
  35     Next
  36     is_bar_installed = False
  37     Exit Function
  38 End Function
  40 Function is_sheet_installed(name As Variant)
  41     For Each ws In Worksheets
  42         If (ws.name = name) Then
  43             is_sheet_installed = True
  44             Exit Function
  45         End If
  46     Next
  47     is_sheet_installed = False
  48     Exit Function
  49 End Function
  51 '
  52 ' Créé le 02/09/2002 par Andrei Boyanov <andrei.boyanov@auf.org>
  53 '
  54 Sub RemoveToolbarReflets()
  55 '    MsgBox "Je vais supprimer le bouton et la barre d'outils Reflets"
  56     CommandBars("Reflets").Delete
  57 End Sub
  59 '
  60 ' Créé le ??/08/2002 par CODA ? Van-Thong Souy ?
  61 '
  63     Dim w As Worksheet
  64     Dim r As Range
  65     Dim MaVariable As String
  66     Dim i As Integer
  67     Dim j As Integer
  69 ' changements par JCA
  70 '    Set w = Worksheets(ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.name)
  71     If (is_sheet_installed("CODA-Détails") = False) Then
  72         Set w = Worksheets.Add
  73         w.name = "CODA-Détails"
  74     Else
  75         Set w = Worksheets("CODA-Détails")
  76     End If
  77     w.Paste Destination:=w.Range("A1:AT60000")
  78     Set r = w.Range("A2:AT60000")
  79 ' fin des changements par JCA
  81     i = 1
  82     While Not i = 60001
  83         j = 1
  84         While Not j = 46
  86         If j = 1 Then
  87             ' test des 5 premières colonnes
  88             If IsEmpty(r.Cells(i, 1)) And IsEmpty(r.Cells(i, 2)) And IsEmpty(r.Cells(i, 3)) And IsEmpty(r.Cells(i, 4)) And IsEmpty(r.Cells(i, 5)) Then
  89                 Exit Sub
  90             End If
  91         End If
  93         If Not IsEmpty(r.Cells(i, j)) Then
  94                 ' recuperation de la valeur et modification
  95                 MaVariable = (r.Cells(i, j).Text)
  97             ' affichage du 'nombre' créé (on force avec une multiplication par 1)
  98                 r.Cells(i, j).Select
  99                 If Selection.NumberFormat = "General" And IsNumeric(MaVariable) Then
 100                     If Not MaVariable = "#DEV!" Then
 101                         If Not Selection.NumberFormat = "m/d/yy" Or Not Selection.NumberFormat = "hh:mm:ss" Then
 102                             r.Cells(i, j).Replace What:=",", Replacement:=",", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:= _
 103                             xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
 104                             ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = MaVariable * 1
 105                         End If
 106                     End If
 107                 End If
 108                 If Selection.NumberFormat = "General" Then
 109                     If InStr(1, r.Cells(i, j).Text, ".") Then
 110                         If InStr(1, r.Cells(i, j).Text, ",") Then
 111                             If Not InStr(1, r.Cells(i, j).Text, "-") Then
 112                                 r.Cells(i, j).Replace What:=".", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:= _
 113                                 xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
 114                                 r.Cells(i, j).Select
 115                                 If IsNumeric(r.Cells(i, j).Text) Then
 116                                     ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = r.Cells(i, j).Text * 1
 117                                 End If
 118                             End If
 119                         End If
 120                     End If
 121                 End If
 123             End If
 125             j = j + 1
 126         Wend
 127         i = i + 1
 128     Wend
 129 End Sub
 131 '
 132 ' Créé le ??/08/2002 par CODA ? Van ?
 133 '
 134 Sub CODA_CUMULS()
 135     Dim w As Worksheet
 136     Dim r As Range
 137     Dim MaVariable As String
 138     Dim i As Integer
 139     Dim j As Integer
 141 ' changements par JCA
 142 '    Set w = Worksheets(ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.name)
 143     If (is_sheet_installed("CODA-Cumuls") = False) Then
 144         Set w = Worksheets.Add
 145         w.name = "CODA-Cumuls"
 146     Else
 147         Set w = Worksheets("CODA-Cumuls")
 148     End If
 149     w.Paste Destination:=w.Range("A1:J60000")
 150     Set r = w.Range("B1:J60000")
 151 ' fin des changements par JCA
 153     i = 1
 154     While Not i = 60001
 155         j = 1
 156         While Not j = 10
 158         If Not IsEmpty(r.Cells(i, j)) Then
 159                 ' recuperation de la valeur et modification
 160                 MaVariable = Trim(r.Cells(i, j).Text)
 162                 ' affichage du 'nombre' créé (on force avec une multiplication par 1)
 163                 r.Cells(i, j).Select
 164                 If IsNumeric(r.Cells(i, j).Text) Then
 165                     ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = MaVariable * 1
 166                 End If
 167             Else
 168                 If j = 1 Then
 169                     Cells.Select
 170                     Range("A23").Activate
 171                     Selection.Columns.AutoFit
 173                     Exit Sub
 174                 End If
 175             End If
 177             j = j + 1
 178         Wend
 179         i = i + 1
 180     Wend
 182     Cells.Select
 183     Range("A23").Activate
 184     Selection.Columns.AutoFit
 185 End Sub

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