Pièce jointe « auf2014.zip »


Nom du fichier                                        modifié            Taille
register.pstpl                                 2015-02-03 15:35:20          173
help.png                                       2015-02-03 15:35:20         1458
endpage.pstpl                                  2015-02-05 10:21:06          364
print_IE_fix_all-versions.css                  2015-02-03 15:35:20         3103
bande-couleurs.png                             2015-02-03 15:50:00          279
IE_fix_all-versions.css                        2015-02-03 15:35:20         1037
survey.pstpl                                   2015-02-05 15:55:52          175
ie_fix_6.css                                   2015-02-03 15:35:20         2205
completed.pstpl                                2015-02-03 15:35:20           84
template.css                                   2015-02-10 14:08:56        23971
privacy.pstpl                                  2015-02-03 15:35:20          144
print_survey.pstpl                             2015-02-03 15:35:20          982
printanswers.pstpl                             2015-02-05 15:59:30           68
endgroup.pstpl                                 2015-02-03 15:35:20            1
chart.jpg                                      2015-02-03 15:35:20          303
print_question.pstpl                           2015-02-03 15:35:20          512
pixel_transparent.gif                          2015-02-03 15:35:20           43
startpage.pstpl                                2015-02-10 14:34:02          909
save.pstpl                                     2015-02-05 15:57:04          237
startgroup.pstpl                               2015-02-03 15:35:20           50
logo-boite.png                                 2015-02-03 16:21:38         9506
ie_fix_7.css                                   2015-02-03 15:35:20         1979
question.pstpl                                 2015-02-03 15:35:20          278
navigator.pstpl                                2015-02-04 13:45:30          159
template-rtl.css                               2015-02-03 15:35:20         1507
IE_fix_older-than-7.css                        2015-02-03 15:35:20         2861
logo-auf.jpg                                   2015-02-03 15:35:20         8758
surveylist.pstpl                               2015-02-05 11:42:36         1183
print_img_radio.png                            2015-02-03 15:35:20          285
template.js                                    2015-02-03 15:35:20         2974
jquery-ui-custom.css                           2015-02-10 13:51:08        33267
load.pstpl                                     2015-02-03 15:35:20          175
bande-couleurspetite.png                       2015-02-05 12:53:58          626
limesurvey_logo.png                            2015-02-03 15:35:20         4822
welcome.pstpl                                  2015-02-05 15:54:26          266
linearer_gradient_LimeSurvey2.gif              2015-02-03 15:35:20         3535
clearall.pstpl                                 2015-02-03 15:35:20          278
assessment.pstpl                               2015-02-04 12:12:32          308
preview.png                                    2015-02-10 14:14:14        27554
print_template.css                             2015-02-03 15:35:20         6170
groupdescription.pstpl                         2015-02-03 15:35:20           81
ie_fix_8.css                                   2015-02-03 15:35:20          165
print_img_checkbox.png                         2015-02-03 15:35:20          114
print_group.pstpl                              2015-02-03 15:35:20          151
print_IE_fix_older-than-7.css                  2015-02-03 15:35:20         3089
linearer_gradient_LimeSurvey1.gif              2015-02-03 15:35:20         3824
logo-droite.png                                2015-02-03 16:01:48         1794

Fichiers joints

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  • [télécharger | voir] (2015-02-20 21:44:22, 1.0 KB) [[attachment:Authwebserver.php.patch]]
  • [télécharger | voir] (2015-02-16 16:02:42, 86.4 KB) [[attachment:auf2014.zip]]
  • [télécharger | voir] (2015-02-20 21:45:02, 1.2 KB) [[attachment:config-defaults.php.patch]]
  • [télécharger | voir] (2015-02-20 21:44:48, 0.7 KB) [[attachment:config.php.patch]]
  • [télécharger | voir] (2015-02-20 21:45:11, 1.1 KB) [[attachment:login.php.patch]]
  • [télécharger | voir] (2015-02-20 21:45:24, 1.4 KB) [[attachment:sondages.auf.org-ssl.patch]]
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